Spike | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki | Fandom
Spike, also known as Spike the Dragon, [note 1] is a male "pre-teen" [5] [note 2] dragon and one of the seven [6] main characters [7] of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. He is Twilight Sparkle 's best friend and number one assistant.
Spike/Gallery | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki | Fandom
See also: Spike forms gallery Main article: /IDW comics. See also: Spike forms gallery Main article: /IDW comics. Start a Wiki Sign In Don't have an account? Register ... Dragon Dropped. A Horse Shoe-In. The Big Mac Question. The Ending of the End - Part 1. The Ending of the End - Part 2. The Last Problem. Animated shorts []
Spike/Gallery/Overview | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
This is a gallery for Spike's different physical appearances, forms, and outfits in the series, films, IDW comics, and other official material.
Spike | My Little Pony A Amizade é Mágica Wiki | Fandom
Spike, também conhecido como Spike o Dragão, é um dragão bebê macho e um dos sete[1] personagens principais[2] de My Little Pony: A Amizade é Mágica. Ele é o melhor amigo de Twilight Sparkle e seu assistente número 1.
Spike at Your Service - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
After baking a poorly-made pie, Spike counters Applejack's protest against his servitude by asserting it's part of being a "noble dragon". He suggests they take the pie to Rarity, who learns about the situation from Applejack once Spike leaves the dining room at …
Dragons | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki | Fandom
A variety of large lizard-like dragons are featured in the show. One of them, Spike, is one of the main characters in the series. A prominent dragon-like creature, Steven Magnet, is referred to as a sea serpent, and there is another dragon-like creature referred to as …
Secret of My Excess - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Secret of My Excess is the tenth episode of the second season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and the thirty-sixth episode overall. In this episode, Spike lets his dragon greed get the best of him, which eventually causes him to grow to a monstrous size. The title is a reference to the...
Spike, das Drachenpony | My Little Pony Wiki | Fandom
Spike, das Drachenpony ist die einundzwanzigste Folge der zweiten Staffel von My Little Pony – Freundschaft ist Magie und die siebenundvierzigste der Serie. Um mehr über seine Herkunft herauszufinden, entschließt sich Spike, der großen Drachenwanderung zu folgen.
Spike | Wiki My Little Pony Les amies c'est magique | Fandom
Spike, ou Spike le dragon, est un bébé dragon et l'un des personnages principaux de My Little Pony : Les amies, c'est magique. Il est le meilleur ami et l'assistant numéro un de Twilight Sparkle , il a la capacité de livrer des lettres par magie en soufflant dessus à Celestia .
Spike | My Little Pony: La Magia de la Amistad Wiki | Fandom
Según el episodio Spike a sus Órdenes, Spike está con Twilight por su código de dragón, y ella lo sabe al igual que todas sus amigas ponis, contradiciendo lo que dice en el episodio Misión Dragón, que las ponis no saben mucho de los dragones, no más de …