Qajar Persian Army in 15mm - Lead Adventure Forum
Mar 24, 2023 · I bought a 15mm Qajar Persian Army Deal from Irregular Miniatures. I added a few bits to it to provide extra units. Every now and then I paint a unit or so. I got a fair bit done recently and finished off the regular infantry and camel gunners. The army is now pretty much done. If it is of interest here’s the link to my blog.
New 15mm Ultracast Achaemenid Persians released!
Sep 17, 2021 · Our 15mm plastic Ultracast Achaemenid Persian Pacto Starter Army has just been released! These miniatures are produced under licence from the superb Xyston range, and we’re delighted to see them added to our ever-expanding Ultracast range.
Achaemenid Persians "Z" - Classical - Museum Miniatures
Persian Immortal (Sparabara), Campaign Dress, Phrygian helm. UK based manufacturers of 15mm wargaming miniatures and equipment for war gamers. Super detailed Figures, World wide Mail order, From Ancients to American civil war.
Sassanid Persian - 19th Century Miniatures
Home / Old Glory Army Packs Suitable For Field Of Glory (15mm) / Legions Triumphant / Sassanid Persian
PERSIAN ARMY COMMAND GROUP 01 Downloadable digital files to print on 3D printers for the “March to Hell: Greeks and Persians” , a collection of 15mm/28mm scale ancient armies, created to be printed at home in a resin printer such Anycubic Photon or Elegoo Mars, or FDM printers such as Ender or Prusa.
PERSIAN ARMY STARTER ARMY 01 Downloadable digital files to print on 3D printers for the “March to Hell: Greeks and Persians” , a collection of 15mm/28mm scale ancient armies, created to be printed at home in a resin printer such Anycubic Photon or Elegoo Mars, or FDM printers such as Ender or Prusa.
A Late Achaemenid Persian Army in 15mm - The Wargames …
Apr 11, 2022 · Over the years I’ve aquired various manufacturers 15mm cavalry figures for an Achaemenid Army. They were bought and painted at different times but they are now all on the same sized bases. I will add another couple of units from the lead pile.
15mm Achaemenid Persians DBA++ (BBDBA)Army Review
Dec 19, 2020 · The figures I sourced at shows seemed to come from all manner of manufacturers which seemed fitting of the Persian army (see below, the old school Xth Legion Spara Bara (middle row), supported by a front line of Xth Legion Taka Bara (front row), with the newer Xyston miniatures (back row) along with a unit from Chariot Miniatures):
Achaemenid Persian Army - Bandua Wargames Tienda de …
Miniatures and Historical Wargames > Mortem et Gloriam -15mm Ancient and Medieval Warfare > Achaemenid Persian Army
A Qajar Persian Army in 15mm - thewargameswebsite.com
Mar 24, 2023 · I bought a 15mm Qajar Persian Army Deal from Irregular Miniatures. I added a few bits to it to provide extra units. Every now and then I paint a unit or so.