Do Japanese people see ツ as a smiling face?
Is a popular face to make for Japanese Children, I'd say yes, I'm sure Japanese people notice that it looks like a smiley face. Edit: I suppose it could depend on the mindset. Even though no single English letter looks like anything, when I was a child, I would always think ""C" looks like a smile" or ""E" Looks like teeth."
meaning - What does - mean? - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
Jul 6, 2018 · It's a Japanese emoticon (顔文字) that developed into this emoji 😅 (U+1F605 SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND COLD SWEAT). In Japanese, such expression is called 苦笑い ( Google images ), which people make when they can't smile wholeheartedly because of some mixed feelings, or they actually has something to say, but let it go with the ...
The concept of 'face' (honor) in Japanese and its translations
Nov 27, 2022 · According to Wikipedia, the concept of "face" is very present in East Asia, in particular China (where the word for it is 面子 miànzi, but can also be 脸 liǎn, such as in 不要脸 bù yào liǎn 'have no sense of shame' or 丢脸 diūliǎn 'lose face'), Indonesia, Korea, and also Japan.
etymology - How did 面白い end up meaning "Interesting"?
Jul 1, 2019 · Maybe something interesting turns your face white. Although a white face in America (western countries?) usually indicates fright or horror, maybe Japan has a different association with that colour. – istrasci
What is the usage of this に - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
Dec 2, 2024 · 句の包摂: 語の内部に句が包み込まれる Gramatically speaking, is this に marking passive agent (wrapped by..) or location? (wrapped inside..), Both fit to me, so I have hard time deciding
Trouble understanding しちゃア and ending かい
そんなに絶望的な顔をしちゃア、妾の涎が止まらなくなっちまうじゃあなィかい♪ I don't understand what that means. What is しちゃア and the last い ? I assume it means something like : I can't stop drooling if you keep making that desesp...
grammar - What is this との? - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
Nov 14, 2017 · This time, 日本 と 韓国や香港 との間 implies there are relationships between Japan and Korea or Hong Kong as “a partner”. We don’t talk about what’s going on in the sky between Japan and B this time. It is simply implying there are flights between Japan and South Korea or Hong-Kong.
meaning - What does 契約期間:2年 mean? - Japanese Language …
Dec 20, 2016 · In japan You usually have a minimum contract of 1 or 2 years. If you leave earlier you will need to pay a fee worth 1-3 month rent. There is probably no problem in staying longer. If you need to renew every time is a question better asked to the owner. But it's probably not an immediate problem.
words - Meaning of 華の独身 - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
Aug 1, 2016 · 華の17歳 refers to someone who is close to almost being an adult (when you become 18 years old in Japan you are allowed to do more things) but who is still considered to be a child. 華の大学生時代 meaning a period during your college years when you were flourishing. I think it implies a period in your life you enjoyed the most.
Etymology of モブ - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
Jan 8, 2015 · In Japanese, モブ (short for モブキャラクター) refers to a character who plays a minor role in anime/manga/games - source. The same source claims that the etymology is 和製英語 and traces its origin to Japanese