Visitor information - Highgate Cemetery
Immerse yourself in the special atmosphere of the Victorian cemetery. We look forward to welcoming you! With its sinuous paths winding up a steep wooded hill and ivy-clad monuments, Highgate Cemetery is a secluded funerary landscape at its most evocative.
Highgate Cemetery
Highgate Cemetery is open daily except Christmas Day and Boxing Day. We recommend first-time visitors take a guided tour. Please see the 'visit' page for all ticket options. Visit the Cemetery; View events; Plan a burial or memorial
Burials & memorials - Highgate Cemetery
As well as being a beautiful and intriguing site, rich in history, architecture, landscape and romance, Highgate is still an operating cemetery, with up to seventy interments and some thirty to thirty-five graves sold each year.
Searches - Highgate Cemetery
Highgate Cemetery is in two parts, the East side and the West side. Visitors may wander the paths, but must not for their own safety walk on or touch monuments. This means that if the person you are looking for is not buried in an accessible location, a location search is essential.
Explore - Highgate Cemetery
The stories of Highgate Cemetery are as diverse as the people buried here. Some of them are well-known, some are being rediscovered, and others will remain untold. They can give us fascinating insights into the lives and habits of our predecessors, and food for thought about how we live our own lives
Explore - Highgate Cemetery
James Bunstone BUNNING (1802-63) Architect to Highgate Cemetery; designer of the Coal Exchange and Holloway Prison ; Frederick DOVE (d. 1923). Director of Dove Brothers, major building contractors ; Stephen GEARY (1797-1854) Architect to the London Cemetery Company and founder of Highgate Cemetery ; Lisa Jardine (1944-2015) historian, academic ...
Terrace Catacombs - Highgate Cemetery
The view of London from the roof of the Terrace Catacombs was considered one of Highgate Cemetery’s chief attractions and was frequently mentioned in its early advertisements.
The Trust - Highgate Cemetery
The Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust has three aims: to preserve Highgate Cemetery as a place of historic and other interest and beauty; to permit the Cemetery to be used as a public burial ground; and; to secure the repair, restoration and preservation of the Cemetery for the public benefit. Our articles of association is our governing document.
Egyptian avenue - Highgate Cemetery
The Egyptian Avenue was a remarkable landscape feature about which the London Cemetery Company boasted in its advertisements: ‘the largest specimen of that rare style of architecture in this country’.
Events - Highgate Cemetery
Carve your own design into a slab of stone, under the guidance of the amazingly talented Neil Luxton (creator of many wonderful monuments and headstones in the cemetery). Tea, coffee and biscuits provided - bring your own lunch. 10.00am to 4.00pm in the courtyard.