Eyelid Laceration - EyeWiki
Eyelid lacerations refer to partial- or full-thickness defects in the eyelid and constitute a significant subset of facial trauma which is often accompanied by other ocular injuries including corneal abrasions, disruption of the lacrimal drainage system, foreign bodies, open globe, or …
Eyelid laceration: What does it involve? - WebMD
Oct 10, 2024 · Eyelid lacerations are caused by sharp objects that penetrate the various layers of your eyelids or by blunt objects that cause tearing and separation of your eyelid layers. Eyelid...
Eyelid Laceration - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Nov 27, 2022 · Eyelid lacerations are managed differently depending on the injury's depth, width, and location. Surgical management is broken down into these categories: laceration without eyelid margin involvement, laceration with eyelid margin involvement, and laceration with nasolacrimal system involvement.
Eyelid lacerations - UpToDate
Proper management and repair of eyelid lacerations requires a basic understanding of the anatomy of the eyelid and its surrounding structures (figure 1). The outermost layer of the …
Eyelid laceration - WikEM
The following lacerations should be repaired by an oculoplastic specialist: Lid margin Only if >1mm; <1mm does not require suturing and will heal spontaneously; Within 6-8mm of medial canthus; Lacrimal duct or sac involvement; Inner surface of the lid involvement (or "through and through" laceration) Wounds associated with ptosis
Eyelid Cut (Laceration): Causes and Treatment - MyVision.org
May 3, 2022 · Eyelid lacerations are partial or whole defects in the eyelid that make up a subset of facial trauma. They may be accompanied by various ocular injuries, including orbital fractures, corneal abrasions, open globe and lacrimal drainage system disruption.
Eyelid lacerations - UpToDate
Jul 26, 2023 · Proper management of eyelid lacerations requires thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the eyelids and periorbital structures, careful examination for associated ocular injury, and prompt referral to a subspecialist when complicated lacerations are encountered.
Emergent Evaluation of Eyelid Lacerations - University of Iowa
Jan 4, 2016 · For extensive lacerations, a running closure is more expedient; Can use a combination of interrupted and running closures, with interrupted sutures placed at points of tension and locations where the laceration changes direction ; Apply erythromycin ophthalmic ointment to the wound
Eyelid and Eyeball Lacerations - Injuries and Poisoning - Merck …
Eyeball lacerations can seriously damage the structures necessary for vision and make eyeball infection (endophthalmitis) more likely. A laceration to the eyeball requires an immediate evaluation by an ophthalmologist.
Eyelid Contusions and Lacerations - Injuries; Poisoning - MSD …
Lacerations of the lid margin are best repaired by an ophthalmic surgeon to ensure accurate apposition and to avoid a notch in the eyelid contour. Complicated lid lacerations, which include those of the medial portion of the lower or upper eyelid (possibly involving the lacrimal canaliculus), through-and-through lacerations, those in which the ...