Discus.com – The word's largest selection of discus fish for sale
Welcome to the world’s largest selection of hybrid and wild-caught discus fish for sale and #1 discus destination on the internet. Shop | Strains | Stock List | Shop by Color | Proven Pairs Customer reviews
The Natural Habitat of the Discus Fish
Discus fish thrive when they receive continuous flows of freshwater. They live in small groups among submerged tree roots, decayed wood, vegetation, and aquatic grasses, which they often hide behind. The wild discus’ stripes help camouflage them for safety from predators.
What is a Discus Fish? – Discus.com
Discus belong to a family of fish known as cichlids, which includes the Waroo, Triangle cichlid, and Chocolate cichlid. These fish, like discus, have flat, oval-shaped bodies. Their fins are erect and large with fan-shaped caudal fins.
A Brief Timeline of the Discus Fish
Discus fish (Symphysodon spp.) first became popular in Europe in the 1950s, when they were first imported from South America.... read more
Discus.com Full Stock List
We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. For example, we are the sole breeders of discus legend Marc Weiss’ original breeding stock in the world. We also carry timeless classics such as the Peter Thode Turquoise and Schmidt-Focke Striated Red Discus.
The Origins of Discus Fish
It goes without saying that discus fish are the incontrovertible kings of the freshwater aquarium. This eponym can be attributed to their regal, slow movements, beauty and appearance, as well as their history. Discus Fish Origins are traced back an imperial marriage.
Discus Fish Keeping Tips, Guides & Care Sheet for Beginners
Beginners are more subject to the risks of the keeping discus fish as they have a lowest practical experience on this beautiful sensitive fish. Here is some basic tips on how to keep discus healthy and active.
Available Strains - Discus.com
We are pleased to offer the largest variety of discus strains for sale in the world. Click on a strain to learn more and purchase fish! Wild Strains. We proudly carry every wild discus variety ever created by nature. Newly-discovered wild discus strains are added every month! Read about the 4 basic varieties of wild discus found in the Amazon.
A Basic Guide to The Care of Discus
Discus are a tropical water fish, coming from the Amazon River Basin in South America. They require temperatures that are higher than many other aquarium fish. Generally fry and young actively growing fish are kept in water that has a temperature range of 84-89 F .
Selecting Discus Fish: How to Choose and Buy the Best Discus
Although the first thing that amateur discus buyers notice is the color of the fish, there are more important things needed to be considered in choosing and selecting a discus fish. Even without human interventions and genetic changes, discus fish have a wide range of color.