ASCII Art Smileys - asciiart.eu
A large collection of ASCII art drawings of smileys and other related computer ASCII art pictures.
Wouldn´t it be cool if you could get an emoticon like ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ just by typing (bear)? Well, that's exactly what ASCIImoji does! The latest version 1.6.1 has 297 different ASCIImojis built in (see list below). ASCIImoji is currently available in these formats: If you use Mac OS (and iOS), this is your best choice.
Emoticon, Smiley Face Symbols - Alt Codes
List of emoticons with lots of happy smiling face symbols, copy and paste smiley faces, learn how to make an emoticon smiley face symbol character.
Smileys Symbols ☹ ☺ ☻ ㋛ ㋡ 〠 ꌇ ツ Smiley Face Alt Codes
Get all Smiley symbol ☹ ☺ ☻ ㋛ ㋡ 〠 ꌇ ツ and alt code for smiley faces. You can copy and paste smiley symbols from the below list or use the alt code to insert smiley face in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Alt Codes for Emoticons & Cat Faces ( ) - AltCodeUnicode.com
How to easily type emoticons & cat faces (😀 😽 🤬) using Windows Alt codes. Or click any emoticon or cat face to copy and paste into your document.
ASCII Art Smileys and Happy Faces
The ASCII art on this site was created by a large number of artists, and credit has been given where the artist is known. If you use artwork from here, please do not remove the artist's name/initials if they are present.
The Best Way to Type ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - The Atlantic
May 21, 2014 · Every time you shrug, you don’t need to Google, then copy, then paste. Updated, 2:20 p.m. All hail ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯. In its 11 strokes, the symbol encapsulates what it’s like to be an individual on the...
100+ Ascii Smiley Art Copy And Paste
Here you get a large collection of smiley text and smiley ascii art, around 100+ smiley art at single location with its true meaning. It includes smiley symbol text art, smiley emoji text art, ascii smily face, smilies ascii, ascii smiley face, ascii smilies and many more.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Emoticon Central
Welcome to Emoticon Central, a single location where you can find all of your favorite ASCII faces. (Actually, they are mostly Unicode faces — the ASCII standard does not include all the characters you need — but nobody says "Unicode faces" because it sounds stupid.)
How to type smiley face ASCII☺? - Super User
Mar 18, 2011 · It's not included in the ASCII character set, though it is in the Unicode character set. The easiest way is to use the windows program charmap. Just type charmap into the search box on the start menu (vista and 7) or select start->run and type in charmap (in 9x to XP).