21st Century Cities Initiative
The goal of this initiative is to support local musicians, educators, venues, promoters, industry personnel, and non-profits by giving them important, up-to-date data about the city’s music ecosystem.
21st Century Cities Initiative - 21cc.jhu.edu
Home / News & Events / What will it take to make Baltimore a climate-resilient, 21st-century city? A Johns Hopkins climate scientist set out to study the heat island effect. Now, with millions in federal funding, he’s putting neighborhood concerns at the heart of a five-year, $25 million project on climate change.
21st Century Cities Initiative - Johns Hopkins University
The 21st Century Cities Initiative (21CC) hosts regular Urban Policy and Pizza events for Hopkins undergraduates that give students a chance to learn about the newest academic literature on urban topics and discuss new and innovative policy proposals in …
21st Century Cities Initiative - Johns Hopkins University
Every year, we will work with the CCC to identify topics in need of investigation to understand the city, its surroundings, and its people. The CCC comprises leaders from community organizations, nonprofits, businesses, and local government staff.
Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative - Johns Hopkins …
What will it take to make Baltimore a climate-resilient, 21st-century city? A Johns Hopkins climate scientist set out to study the heat island effect. Now, with millions in federal funding, he’s putting neighborhood concerns at the heart of a five-year, $25 million project on climate change.
21st Century Cities Initiative
Baltimore’s housing market has strengthened in the past two years, but still falls well below national benchmarks. The city has the third highest rate of vacant and abandoned properties in the country. We estimated at least $100 million in lost revenue annually.
21st Century Cities Initiative
This collaborative approach is a hallmark of the 21st Century Cities initiative, which launched in 2015 to develop policy-minded solutions for revitalizing U.S. cities. Dudley, a native Baltimorean and Johns Hopkins alum, was at home among the urban policy crowd at the event.
21st Century Cities Initiative - 21cc.jhu.edu
Miller and co-authors Ben Seigel and Mac McComas wrote the report as a follow-up to a report last year through Johns Hopkins’ 21st Century City Initiative that indicated there was a lack of funding, through lending or venture capital, for businesses in Baltimore.
Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative - Johns Hopkins …
Home / News / What will it take to make Baltimore a climate-resilient, 21st-century city? A Johns Hopkins climate scientist set out to study the heat island effect. Now, with millions in federal funding, he’s putting neighborhood concerns at the heart of …
21st Century Cities Initiative
Sep 23, 2023 · The project is collaborating with residents, city agencies and other institutions September 23, 2023. Originally published in The Baltimore Banner. Walk through the Old Goucher neighborhood in North Baltimore, and husbands Kelly Cross and Mateusz Rozanski will tell you how several of the tree-lined streets weren’t always filled with such ...