From 2016, he was the general manager of VM Medical Park Florya Hospital of Istanbul Aydın University for more than 3 years.
In the next 25 years, more than 39 million deaths may be caused by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and 169 million deaths are ...
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Sandor received his MSc in Finance at the Budapest University of Economics. Between 2000 and 2008 he produced investment ...
Gergely Ferenczi, Director of the Company Information division at OPTEN, completed his economics studies with a ...
For a long time, artificial intelligence was a distant concept, then suddenly, it burst into our lives, with the potential to radically change not just technology but the business world. Where will it ...
She graduated as an agricultural engineer from the University of Agricultural Sciences in Debrecen and as an environmental scientist from the University of Szeged. Her previous research interest ...
He started his career in banking in 1992 as head of the Receivables and Collections Unit under the Legal and Secretarial Department of Dunabank LLC and continued as a Deputy Head of the Department for ...
Gábor joined JLL Hungary’s capital markets department in the summer of 2015. During his 8 years career in the Hungarian CRE market, he has advised transactions with a total volume of more than € 1 ...
Kínában megjelentek az első olyan oktatási anyagok, amelyek már Hszi Csin-pig kínai elnök beszédeiből merít ihletet. A tankönyvek olyan veszélyekre hívják fel a fiatalok figyelmét, mint a rock’n’roll, ...
Az előző év azonos időszakához képest 35-45%-kal magasabb, 5,8-6,6 milliárd forint körüli árbevételt és 490-610 millió forint közötti féléves EBITDA-t vár a Gloster menedzsmentje a szeptemberben ...
A Volkswagen a költségcsökkentési programja keretében már nem zárja ki azt sem, hogy üzembezárásokat és létszámleépítéseket hajtsanak végre Németországban, emellett az autógyártó felbontja a 2029-ig ...