Over 37 million Americans live in poverty. While those in our cozy middle-class bubbles would like to think most of them did something to fall into poverty, the truth is far less comforting. Most ...
Our bodies are fragile. Though we may feel invincible when young, as we age, we realize how dangerous everyday activities ...
To the uninitiated, tennis and pickleball seem very similar, but key differences make each appeal to different types of people. Here’s how the two sports vary so you can choose which is right for you.
His girlfriend refuses to do more housework, but it turns out he's a labor digger. Why won't his girlfriend be a servant?
Companies are created with one purpose: profit. They don’t care who they hurt along the way, so governments step in to regulate them and ensure consumers and workers receive fair treatment. Some ...
According to a fictional expert I made up, the older a game gets, the more obscure it becomes — or the more its legacy is solidified in our hearts and minds. For a game series born on October 27th, ...
These insidious yet legal scams work to separate people from their hard-earned money. Which have you fallen for?
News outlets abound with tales of generations in distress. Millennials are moving back in with parents at record rates; Gen Z will never be able to afford a home, and do the Alphas even stand a chance ...
Protect your identity and save yourself thousands! Discover the top ways to prevent identity theft from disrupting your life.