Dandruff typically causes larger flakes and more buildup than dry skin. Read on to learn if your flaky scalp is dandruff or dryness.
Act+Acre’s Cooling Scalp Serum relieves one editor’s itchy scalp instantly, and keeps her dry flakes at bay for weeks. PEOPLE ...
Who here wants to get rid of dandruff — fast? People often think dry scalp is the culprit for the flakes of skin in their hair and may try to rid them by moisturizing their scalp. But this won’t work ...
Lice love living in our hair. But they scoot down to our scalp up to a half dozen times a day to drink our blood. Their claws ...
Despite its popularity on TikTok, scalp oiling is nothing new. “It has deep cultural roots,” Dr. Kristina Collins, a double-board-certified dermatologist. “They include Ayurvedic traditions ...
Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. The foundation of good hair care is knowing your hair type and choosing products that nourish and protect the scalp without causing irritation. While there is ...
How healthy is your scalp? It’s a question more people are considering as the awareness of hair health starting at the skin continues to grow. “Scalp health is essential for strong ...
Dear Eric: My 78-year-old mother is a very kind and generous person; however, she goes through life looking through a lens of negativity. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong in her eyes.
“The stone that the builder refused shall become the chief cornerstone.” This powerful message of transformation and resilience is more than a biblical reference; it tells the journey of the ...
Warts are noncancerous skin growths that occur ... Lice are tiny insects that live in hair and cause a parasitic infection of the scalp. They exist worldwide and can affect anyone.
which then stuck to my head and burned my scalp. ‘I couldn’t move because I had this rubber band around my waist. I’m there going, “Ahhh, owww!” and they realized something was wrong ...