Correspondent covering politics and economics in Sudan as well as Egypt. Work has focused on the Sudanese uprising, economic crisis, and transitional period. Previously covered the Gulf based out ...
A satellite image of northern Nyala and a new burn scar, where a SAF plane was shot down on Sunday night in Nyala ...
Nyala is an RSF stronghold and a base for its offensive on the city of al-Fashir, the last holdout in the wider Darfur region controlled by Sudan's army and its allies. The RSF has also targeted ...
Sudan's RSF Operating Drones From Darfur Base, Pictures Show By Reade Levinson, Khalid Abdelaziz and Nafisa Eltahir (Reuters) - Satellite images show at least three drones and the construction of ...
RSF controls most of the west of Sudan and is engaged in an intense campaign to cement its control of the Darfur region by seizing the city of al-Fashir. Burhan ruled out a Ramadan ceasefire unless ...
Kiprahnya yang gemilang menjangkau berbagai sektor, dari dunia bisnis hingga politik internasional. Ia berhasil membangun kerajaan bisnisnya, memimpin lembaga negara, dan bahkan berkiprah di dunia ...
JAKARTA, - Presiden Prabowo Subianto resmi meluncurkan Badan Pengelolaan Investasi (BPI) Daya Anagata Nusantara (Danantara) pada Senin, 24 Februari 2025. Prabowo juga menunjuk Menteri ...
The RSF's preparations to form a rival government in territories it controls come as it seeks to consolidate its hold on the Darfur region of western Sudan, where only the city of Al-Fashir and ...
Presiden Prabowo Subianto mengganti Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro dari jabatannya di Istana Kepresidenan Jakarta, Rabu (19/2/2025). Pencopotan Satryo ditandai dengan pengangkatan Brian Yuliarto dengan ... - Viral video yang menunjukkan sebuah keluarga nekat turun dari kendaraan saat berada di area Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Bogor. Padahal, sudah terdapat banyak papan pengumuman yang ...