Four respiratory infections, including influenza (flu), novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and human metapneumovirus (HMPV), are currently circulating ...
The number of patients infected with norovirus, which can cause food poisoning during winter, continues to rise. According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency on the 26th, there were ...
The Korea Expressway Corporation's Gangwon Headquarters urged on the 26th for travelers to return home early and to thoroughly prepare winter equipment as heavy snowfall is forecasted in the Gangwon ...
GC Biopharma reported on the 24th that its consolidated operating profit for the previous year was 32.1 billion won, a decrease of 6.8% compared to the previous year. During the same period, sales ...
함영주(68) 하나금융그룹 회장이 차기 회장으로 내정되면서 연임을 목전에 두고 있다. 하나금융지주는 27일 회장후보추천위원회(회추위)를 열고 함 회장을 하나금융그룹의 차기 회장 최종 ...
기아(000270)가 24일 2024년 4분기 실적발표 컨퍼런스콜에서 “내년 1분기까지 하이브리드차 포함 10개 차종을 투입한다”면서 “이 차종들이 모두 출시되면 내년에 신차 효과가 가장 크게 나타날 ...