A painful hip, without a direct traumatic origin, is a frequent complaint in children, whilst young children most often present with a limp. Next to clinical presentation, the differential diagnosis ...
The Netherlands started screening for Breast Cancer 30 years ago. During this period, we learned a lot about the benefits and harms of Breast Cancer screening and therefore we constantly adjust the ...
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately two billion people living in rural and remote areas worldwide lack access to healthcare solutions. One significant cause is the lack of ...
Back pain is not a disease. It is a symptom. It is not considered a disease, because most cases of low back pain are non-specific, where there is no clear structural or anatomical cause that can be ...
Despite the global underrepresentation of women in leadership roles within the insurance industry, the UAE is making significant strides in advancing gender equality. Both the government and private ...
The integration of digital technology and automation into healthcare has significantly transformed patient care, making it a more accessible and reassuring experience. This shift has introduced a new ...
Healthcare in East Africa has seen notable progress in recent years, demonstrating resilience in the face of COVID-19 alongside advanced care with limited resources. Rwanda and Uganda, for example, ...
The Kenyan Government has set an ambitious goal to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) within its first two years, aiming to realise the constitutional right to health under Article 43. To support ...
Medic East Africa, the premier healthcare and medical laboratory event in East Africa, is set to redefine healthcare service delivery in the region from September 4 to 6 at the renowned Kenyatta ...
Like most classically trained orthopaedists, a decade ago I was highly sceptical of stem cells and their therapeutic value. Today, as a treating physician at the Knee and Hip Institute in Munich, ...
An article submitted to the American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy long ago in 1967 identified how ‘outpatient visits are increasing at a rapid rate and administrative adjustments will be needed to ...
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” A good leader has a futuristic vision and knows how to turn ideas into reality. The Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) is ...