While Emerson students only see (and eat) the final product, a lot occurs behind the scenes to ensure that the dining hall’s ...
Other historians say around the the year 1000, a priest named Aelfric said members of the church should put ashes upon their ...
On the night before Ash Wednesday, commonly referred to as Fat Tuesday, the parishioners of Christ Church gathered in their ...
Big week for Catholicism if you already didn’t know. I would say one of the most underrated weeks for a Catholic school kid.
Members of the Rome Fire Department joined Catholics across Central New York and worldwide to celebrate Ash Wednesday. The Very Rev. Sean P. O’Brien of St. Peter’s Church ...
David Beckham has a soft spot for his only daughter Harper Seven, 13, who he shares with wife Victoria Beckham, and his newest video shows how close they really are. The father-daughter duo enjoyed ...
This tradition gave rise to the name “Mardi Gras,” or Fat ... Lent. This tradition gave rise to the name “Shrove Tuesday,” from the verb “to shrive,” meaning to hear a confession and impose a penance.
Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, Christianity's 40-day season of prayer and fasting leading up to Jesus ...
Roman Catholic, Episcopal and many other liturgical churches hold services today that include the rubbing of ashes on the forehead, a sign of repentance for sins. Lent is a season of 40 days, not ...
Ash Wednesday marks the start of 40 days of Lent, but what's this Catholic tradition all about and is it still observed in ...
Why exactly is this day celebrated? We'll go over the history of Ash Wednesday in the Christian church, answer whether or not ...
Noticing people with smudges on their foreheads today? It is Ash Wednesday, kicking off the 40-day Lenten season of prayer, sacrifice and fish Fridays ...