Scientists investigating mysterious radio signals coming from outer space have finally uncovered where ... scientists now believe they may be coming from a pair of dead stars. Scientists say the red ...
The Serpens Nebula is a prime location for studying the formation of stars and planets. It is approximately 1,300 light-years from Earth.
After one such explosion blows a star's outer layers into space, the core remains—but it no longer produces nuclear fusion. With no outward pressure from fusion to counterbalance gravity's ...
burning the last of its hydrogen and causing the star's outer layers to expand outward. At this stage, the star becomes a large red giant. Because a red giant is so large, its heat spreads out and ...
The bright red star Antares appears at the top center. Dust in the plane of our solar system glows as zodiacal light. The puzzle of predicting how three gravitationally bound bodies move in space ...