Don't underestimate the importance of daily flossing. This simple habit protects your teeth and gums, but can also help reduce the risk of chronic health conditions like heart disease.
To maintain good oral health, it's important to floss properly, taking into account your tooth shape and flossing frequency.
Maintaining optimal oral hygiene is crucial for overall health and well-being. Good oral care not only keeps your smile ...
Okay, so I’ve literally been doing this wrong my whole life, I thought. My mentality had always been get in, get out, and go as high up to dislodge whatever was causing the bleeding. According to ...
Cavity Free Kids, a team of volunteers aiming to teach keiki good dental practices, will visit Kauaʻi’s keiki on Feb. 16 at ...
some research shows that flossing alongside brushing may be more effective at reducing plaque and gingivitis than brushing alone. The technique, timing and frequency, however, may play a role in ...
Esthetix Dental Spa Educates Manhattan International High School Students on Oral Health Esthetix Dental Spa helps autistic students build ...
Volunteers will show keiki how to practice proper tooth brushing techniques while using puppets, demonstrate proper flossing techniques with teeth costumes and do an activity teaching good food ...
Research has found as many as six in 10 children have rotting teeth by the age of five, so it seems we all need to 'brush' up ...
New oral care device merges innovative light technology with sonic brushing With Illume, we've combined red light therapy with dai ...