Britain and the European Union go to court for the first time on Tuesday to resolve a dispute over post-Brexit fishing rights ...
The row was triggered when Britain barred EU fishermen from catching sand eels in English and Scottish waters last March ...
Starmer’s actions betray not only British sovereignty but also the trust of our armed forces. His willingness to consider ...
Britain is chained in shackles that are the making of the politicians who have ruled it since the days of Tony Blair.
In a damning report to mark the fifth anniversary of Britain’s departure from the European Union, UK in a Changing Europe ...
Sir Keir Starmer has repeatedly promised to 'reset' the UK's post-Brexit relations with Brussels under his Labour Government.
The key issues debated during the referendum included the economy, immigration, sovereignty, border and water controls, as ...
Many people in Britain want a leader like the new US president because he is seen as an ‘Action Man’, unlike conventional ...
Number of Britons who think Brexit was right decision hits new low, new YouGov poll shows - On the five year anniversary of ...
“I welcome the confirmation that the government intends to reset the relationship with the EU,” said Cold Chain Federation ...
The EU and UK face their first post-Brexit legal showdown as the bloc challenges Britain's North Sea sandeel fishing ban – a ...