In an effort to lessen the burdens caused by these conditions, the Ohio Treasurer’s office will be offering an enhanced Ag-LINK application window for commercial poultry farmers in counties affected
Avian influenza, or bird flu, has once again made headlines, with Ohio’s first human case reported while being one of the country’s highly affected regions.
Mercer County has now lost 67 commercial poultry flocks to avian influenza in 2025. Another commercial laying hen flock in Mercer County, Ohio, has been affected by (HPAI). The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) reported that the presence of HPAI was confirmed on February 25 in the flock,
The latest cases of avian flu reported by APHIS include turkeys and ducks in Indiana and layers in Ohio. Two commercial laying hen flocks in Ohio have been struck by (HPAI), including one that involved more than 3 million birds.
Ohio’s director of ag says the state has become a national hotspot for highly pathogenic avian influenza this year. Brian Baldridge says more than 11.5 million birds have been depopulated because of the virus.
With emergencies declared for bird flu in Mercer and Darke counties, 2 NEWS is digging deeper into how the virus spreads. Avian Influenza has been detected at more than
Forty commercial poultry flocks in Mercer County, Ohio have been impacted by highly pathogenic avian influenza in 2025. The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service says the virus was recently detected in another commercial egg layer facility in Mercer County.
As highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) continues to impact Ohio’s poultry industry, experts from The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES)
The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has confirmed the second case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Monroe County near the Ohio border. State officials say the backyard flock is the second detection of the virus in the county this month and the seventh case in the state reported since the beginning of
As Ohio leads the country in bird flu cases, there are steps residents can take to help protect themselves, keep their pets healthy and prevent the disease from spreading
A day after the first human case of the bird flu had been reported in Ohio, a new study from the CDC has been released on the topic, suggesting that some people didn’t even know they had a bird flu infection.