China's ambassador to Morocco, who has been in the country for three years, talks to TelQuel. In this interview, he discusses ...
Morocco aims to become a strategic partner for China. Beijing sees the Kingdom as a gateway to the American and European ...
Between the extension of the tramway, the modernization of infrastructures and preparations for the organization of the 2025 ...
While seawater desalination may appear to be a suitable response to the challenges of climate change, the ecological ...
Fresh imported red meat has entered the national market. Behind this measure lies the intention to lower the exorbitant ...
Two years after it began exploring, Australian mining company Ellipsis Mining has identified promising iron and gold deposits ...
Lors de la conférence de presse tenue le jeudi 26 décembre suite au Conseil de gouvernement, Baïtas a clarifié que la ...
Riche d’une tradition culinaire reconnue dans le monde entier, le Maroc n’a pourtant pas encore transformé sa gastronomie en ...
Des chutes de neige sur les hauteurs dépassant 1500 m sont prévues, de samedi à lundi, et une vague de froid est attendue ...