It was announced today that NieR: Automata will be coming to Steam in addition to PlayStation 4. Previously it was thought to be PlayStation 4 exclusive, so this is good news for those who do not have ...
Rockstar has released the first update for GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition and it includes a ton of general fixes, along with specific fixes for all three games – III, Vice City, and San ...
Big2Small doesn’t have much of a story, other than the characters finding they are in the woods together. Each has a separate goal as they traverse the environments that they find themselves in. The ...
Remember, New Super Mario Bros on the DS and its Mario vs Luigi mode? Well, some fans liked that mode so much that a new homebrew version has been made that is playable by up to ten people at once. A ...
There is plenty of manga out there that cover the subjects of growing up, love, and moving forward. There are few however, that are able to incorporate all three together into a story that keeps it’s ...
Another Touhou spinoff title is upon us as the HD Remaster of Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony has arrived on PC and Switch. This game will instantly appeal to any fan of the classic style ...
Taiko no Tasujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun wont see the release of the HORI drum peripheral stateside, but there is an alternative. Those who have the game, the GameCube adapter and the DK Bongos will find ...
TypeRacer, the Internet’s original online multiplayer typing competition, announced the game’s first major platform overhaul since debuting in 2008. As part of the announcement, parent company TeachMe ...
First person shooters are an interesting bunch. There are many of them and all too often they fall into a series of clichés and traps that often leave them feeling stuck in a rut. Then we have ...
The Super Mario-kun manga has been ongoing in Japan since 1991, and is now receiving a translation into English. Viz Media has announced that it will offer an English version under the name “Super ...
It isn’t often that a movie comes along that is so horrifying, that the studio demands content to be cut then destroyed forever. This was the fate of Event Horizon, a movie so gory and nightmarish ...