We shine a light on human trafficking, forced labour and modern-day slavery.
U.S. President Donald Trump, who once described climate change as a "hoax", has said he will take the United States out of the 2015 Paris Agreement to combat climate change and support greater use ...
We delve deeper into the issues faced by LGBT+ communities around the world.
We show how coronavirus is impacting the lives of vulnerable people globally.
With the Taliban back in power, fears are escalating that Afghan women and girls will lose many of the freedoms they have won since 2001 Afghan woman journalist stands up to Taliban Emma Batha ...
Will Iran's climate inaction fuel rising disaster threats?
Banana trees that fit in a test tube. Burgers made without a cow in sight. Fish farmed in the desert. Robots picking fruit. Welcome to the brave new world of food, where scientists are ...
From major disaster, conflicts and under-reported stories, we shine a light on the world’s hotspots.
From cities under lockdown to most affected communities, we look at how the outbreak of the deadly virus COVID-19 affects lives around the world.
When Tree Sequoia joined hundreds of LGBT+ people rioting in downtown New York 50 years ago, same-sex relations were illegal in more than 100 countries and every U.S. state had anti-sodomy laws.
As climate change brings stronger droughts and hotter temperatures, wildfires are becoming a bigger threat around the world - including in places they have not been seen previously Firefighters ...
We shine a light on how land and property rights can empower communities worldwide.