This means that you’ll need to have any imaging or test results on hand for the consultation. If the situation calls for it, the pituitary gland can be assessed using a number of specialized ...
With the widespread use of computed tomography and MRI, the incidental discovery of pituitary incidentalomas is increasing in frequency. The most common cause of a pituitary mass is a pituitary ...
Men often aren't diagnosed when they have early signs, which include: If your doctor thinks you might have a pituitary tumor, they may order an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). This uses powerful ...
Diagnosing a pituitary tumor typically involves a combination of a medical history review, physical examination, blood tests to measure hormone levels, and imaging studies such as magnetic ...
The pituitary gland is a small, pea-sized endocrine gland located at the base of the brain. The hormones it secretes are involved in almost all major body functions, such as growth, reproduction ...
Pituitary macrophage cells originate from the fetal period Macrophages have mostly been thought of as immune defence cells, whose role is to eliminate hostile invaders from tissue. When a virus or ...