In the seventh installment of Outlander, Lord John Grey, portrayed by David Berry, faces a life-altering injury that sets the ...
But there are more twists coming. According to actor David Berry, who plays Jamie’s friend Lord John Grey, who long carried a torch for the hot Scot, there will be a major jaw-dropping moment ...
British Army officer and diplomat Lord John Grey (David Berry) sports an eye patch in the seventh installment of Outlander. It’s not a fashion statement. It’s the result of almost losing his ...
For Outlander fans who have long longed for a Lord John Grey spinoff, David Berry, who plays the character in the original Starz series, has some insight to share. As a refresher, the hit ...
The second half of Outlander’s seventh season confirmed that Lord John has main character energy. When Starz announced that ...
daring rescue by his adoptive father Lord John Grey (David Berry) and Young Ian Murray (John Bell). The brief footage showed the actors discussing the scene. Vandervaart, 24, quipped: "Got a bit ...
However, not all characters have been as fortunate. A spin-off focused on Lord John Grey, played by David Berry, was considered but never came to fruition. In a recent interview with Deadline ...
Later, the Starz show reveals that the “French” aide is actually a Brit with colonial leanings, secret knowledge, and a colorful history with none other than Lord John Grey (David Berry).
The season seven finale of the time-traveling romance drama aired on Friday. Here's a recap of where the main characters ...
daring rescue by his adoptive father Lord John Grey (David Berry) and Young Ian Murray (John Bell). The brief video featured the actors addressing the camera and discussing the scene. Vandervaart ...