Designs that receive the most votes will also receive a gift card to Mamaleh’s Delicatessen, a four-pack of day passes to the ...
The stickers cost roughly 15 cents each, according to MIC, so if millions of people vote and want a sticker, that can add up quickly. In 2012, Santa Clara County in California saved more than $ ...
A study offers evidence that promoting voting in the future tense rather than the past tense -- "I Will Vote" rather than "I Voted" -- has a greater effect on citizens' intentions to vote.
What's next: You can vote once a day here. The winners will be announced next Friday and the stickers in-use in November. Get more local stories in your inbox with Axios Richmond.
Barrington kids joined the join Barrington Select Board meeting on March 3, to be recognized for their "I Voted" sticker ...