Among the unique hobby farm animals, pygmy goats are a friendly breed that makes an excellent pet for a constant supply of fresh milk. These diminutive goats, often considered a popular breed ...
“People like seeing all the different animals,” said Morgan Firestine ... One of the most unusual activities at the Farm Show was fishing in a portable pond set up by Sports America of ...
Another farm animal you can keep at home without needing ... However, like most of these unique pets, capybaras have unique needs to match. Capybaras, native to South America, are social creatures ...
Visit Primrose Farm in St. Charles for animal encounters, cow milking, egg collecting and unforgettable family fun.
Matt spent the weekend on a farm in Clevedon and was amazing to find buffalo on the farm - which prompted a discussion about unusual animals farmed in New Zealand. Clevedon Buffalo Company co ...