The Council on Foreign Relations president believes America’s economic and technological strength remains its greatest ...
The post-Cold War unipolar moment reinforced this mindset. But as multipolarity emerges, Washington is necessarily adapting ...
New World Order
As the world moved from an American unipolar moment after the end of the Cold war, the idea of a multipolar world emerged as ...
But if the “unipolar moment” is over and the world is now bipolar or multipolar, American cultural influence—sometimes called “soft power”—deserves reconsideration no less than the ...
Political scientist John Mearsheimer is convinced that the U.S. government under Trump wants to leave Europe to concentrate ...
The USA’s unipolar moment is being challenged and under threat from two intensely interwoven realities. One, from American own pressure emerging out of unilateralism, military interventionism ...
The post-Berlin Wall unipolar moment is long over. Nationalism and realism are not merely the flavors of the day; they are the flavors of the century. It would behoove Europe to get with the program.
But those days are long over. People forget, too, that in the 1990s when the plane was being developed, the United States was enjoying its “unipolar moment.” The only real threats at that ...
Paradoxically, the Trump administration is accelerating the end of America's unipolar moment which it enjoyed after the collapse of the Soviet bloc, and acknowledging the existence of a multipolar ...
He stressed that now it is a "moment of clarity" in terms of the development of international relations and "the unipolar world "is living out its days." "A multipolar world is already here ...