Made of foam over rebar, the statue weighed over 2,700 kilos and ... This is an actual statue that is being displayed in Las ...
the images look like a mashup of Las Vegas meets Dubai. And at its heart towering over the palm-tree-lined boulevards is a gigantic statue memorializing Trump in gold. “Donald is coming to set ...
declaring the area "Trump Gaza". At the center of the re-built region stands an enormous golden statue of Trump while another clip shows a store selling golden miniatures of his head. At the end ...
(inscribed on a plaque on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty) Have we forgotten her? Is she the next to be torn down? Is President Donald Trump going to have her torn down and a statue of ...
President Donald Trump wants to develop of National Garden of American Heroes and include a statue of Ali. Ali's widow said the proposed statue would clash with his Islamic faith. Trump described ...
And you really are great, great people," Trump told the crowded room at the White House Thursday. Statues of Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, Coretta Scott King ...
Trump described the garden as a "statue park" that will honor "hundreds of our greatest Americans to ever live, including countless Black Americans." He went on to mention several iconic Black ...