Getting a tick bite doesn't automatically spell medical emergency, but it is important to know what to do next.
There is concern at CAES with invasive species such as Asian longhorned ticks, which were noticed in Connecticut in 2018.
understanding the possible ramifications that can occur once a tick bites or embeds in the skin will heighten your awareness. Huynh warned of the diseases that are carried by some ticks.
Insect propellants that have permethrin kill ticks, but they should be sprayed only on clothing, not on your skin. Check yourself for ticks on all your joints, including between your fingers and ...
Looking closer, the examiners found a foreign body lodged in the skin of the woman's inner ear — it turned out to be a dead tick. "This case underscores the importance of prompt clinical ...
“Heads up” is exactly how we want our ticks to be, Claire! Heads down mean those nasty little creatures are firmly implanted in the skin of and people and animals. They’re very common in warmer ...
Sitting atop a blade of grass, biding time till its next blood meal, is a hard tick. It attaches to an exposed leg of an unsuspecting victim, digs into the skin, and starts feeding. The tick’s sticky, ...