Duffus’ latest book, The Innocents at Cedro ... that Veblen has been praised and damned as the prophet of the New Deal. His influence on Rexford Guy Tugwell, George Soule, Stuart Chase and ...
Daniel Aldana Cohen, who co-wrote the book A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal, argued that progressives need to be clear about the scale of the climate crisis and not concede too much ...
In 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected overwhelmingly on a campaign promising a New Deal for the American people. Roosevelt worked quickly upon his election to deliver the New Deal ...
The Eagles and the “Inner Excellence” author Jim Murphy. Following the Eagles’ Super Bowl win, Murphy has acquired a new book ...
It attempted to force Cuomo to repay the $5.1 million he earned from the deal. As litigation over that continued, the commission was replaced with COLEIG. Cuomo brought his suit once this new ...