The unsettling series, on Viaplay, brings a Swedish kidnapping victim to a detailed reconstruction of a bunker where she was ...
The 1950s bunker, described as a "piece of history", is located 14ft (4m) under a field near Buxton. The facility was one of about 1,500 listening posts built by the Royal Observer Corps ...
Built for a financier and real estate mogul who went on to lose his entire business empire, this magnificent French château-style mansion on Toronto's Millionaires' Row has played host to world ...
As the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution begins next year, hundreds of history buffs will reenact the Battle of Bunker Hill in Gloucester instead of the Charlestown battlefield where ...
A restored wartime bunker is reopening to the public to tell the history of Jersey's Occupation. Volunteers from the Channel Islands Occupation Society (CIOS) have added further detail to ...