where he developed a research program focused on symbiosis and molecular ecology. Symbiosis is a defining feature of the biology of many animals, whose relationships with bacterial “symbionts” shape ...
How do symbioses between plants and fungi develop? How do plants decide whether or not to enter into a partnership with fungi ...
Using innovative experimental designs and molecular techniques, our research uncovers symbiotic diversity and investigates how symbiosis can shape ecosystem functioning, drive species diversity, and ...
Although 'symbiosis' encompasses mutualistic ... as the hierarchy of life collapses in a microorganism: their ecology is, in essence, their biochemistry and molecular biology.
are highly diverse and can occur in symbiosis with mollusks, sponges, flatworms, protists, some ciliates, and cnidarians (including reef-building corals). Understanding the ecology and evolution of ...
Symbiotic interactions of microorganisms are widespread in nature, and support fundamentally important processes in diverse areas of biology that range from health and disease to ecology and the ...
Harmful or Helpful? Symbiosis in Protists and in Humans Unlike the human microbiome, which hosts trillions of symbiont cells, the much smaller protists can likely carry a small handful.
Symbiotic relationships — mutually beneficial close partnerships between species — are among the most fascinating dynamics in the natural world. These collaborations can range from the ...
After a couple of years at the University of Lund on a Marie Curie Fellowship (2018-2020), I am now back in Helsinki as the leader of the Insect Symbiosis Ecology and Evolution research group. I ...
Our research includes Ecology, Evolution, Environmental Change, Ecohydrology, Systematics & Floristics, and Symbiosis. These are investigated using genomics, computational science, stable isotopes, ...
Additional carbon uptake via mycorrhizal symbiosis could help compensate for ... woody seedlings in tropical forests, Functional Ecology (2024). DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14689 ...