Medically reviewed by Renita White, MD Cancer that develops in the ovaries (the egg-producing reproductive organs) is ...
Phyllodes tumors, varying from benign to malignant, need precise diagnosis and surgery, with a focus on multidisciplinary ...
High-grade glioma, a difficult-to-treat and aggressive form of pediatric and adult brain cancer, responded to FDA-approved avapritinib. | Drug Discovery And Development ...
A study shows that high-grade glioma tumor cells harboring DNA alterations in the gene PDGFRA responded to the drug avapritinib, which is already approved by the United States Food and Drug ...
which is already approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration to treat gastrointestinal stromal tumors ... Genetic Mutations Linked to Toxin Exposure Found in Firefighters' Brain ...
RECKGIST score may predict recurrence in neurofibromatosis type 1 GISTs, potentially guiding treatment decisions, according ...
Researcher suggests compounds secreted by high-risk MSCs that are detectable in the bloodstream could act as biomarkers for ...
Gleevec response in GIST varies by mutational profile, with KIT-exon-11 mutation linked to better outcomes, emphasizing ...