A bald eagle riding a dead skunk like a snowboard isn’t something you see every day, but a woman in Maine got it on video. It ...
Ever heard of swamp cabbage and skunk cabbage? Whether you have or haven't until you, you're probably wondering what the ...
If a skunk is denning under your porch, place lattice up from the ground to the deck to keep the skunk out. You might also ...
According to the DNR, if skunks are out — and they are not looking for a mate — they are likely looking for food. So, keep your garbage secure in an “animal-proof container” and make sure ...
The striped skunk is stout-bodied with short legs and a long, bushy, coarsely-furred tail. The head is broad at the base with short, tapered muzzle and short, rounded ears. The eyes are small and ...
Skunks can be a pet owner’s worst nightmare. During spring, skunks are particularly active, foraging for food and finding ...