The zombies are the star of the show here ... Resident Evil 4 Remake may not be the scariest game in the long-running series, but it does include some of the best combat and boss fights.
So close the blinds and turn the lights off. These are some of the scariest horror games ever. VR-only games are not going to be included. The focus is also on single-player games. Updated ...
Video game monsters were already scary enough, and the great expanse ... they'll plant an embryo in you after your death that raises you as a zombie. After that, a Chryssalid Hatchling spawns ...
Agricola – the legendary euro style farming game by Uwe Rosenberg – just announced a zombie horror take on the original game.
I've long appreciated State of Decay as the exciting middle ground between an approachable zombie ... neat games, but they really aren't trying to do too much other than being a gritty, scary ...
Every other game on this list is a legitimately scary time, so let’s switch things up a little ... when the game is played with a friend - the sheer fun factor of running through hordes of zombies and ...