Tradition recounts that Longinus, a Roman centurion, pierced the side of Jesus with this very spear during the crucifixion.
A Roman Centurion paced back and forth across the stage as travelers filtered in. One by one people were checked in, each receiving their traveling documents, a single gold coin to use for their ...
We join a Roman centurion on one night of his life, as he describes his work repairing Hadrian's Wall. Cornelius is 39 years old and has 80 soldiers under his command, who are now resting before ...
Image caption, This modern painting shows Roman soldiers at Birdoswald Fort (Hadrian's Wall). A centurion watches men training. After a long day’s march, Roman soldiers had to build a camp ...
Listen to more stories on the Noa app. When he is not sharing memes of himself as a conquering Roman centurion or shrieking while brandishing a chain saw onstage at a CPAC conference, Elon Musk ...