Pho is arguably the crown jewel of Vietnamese cuisine. Warm and wholesome, this soupy noodle dish (which is different from ramen) can be found at just about every Vietnamese restaurant and has ...
There isn’t too much to say about southern Vietnamese pho in Sydney that hasn’t already been documented, analysed and argued.
An unforgettable bowl of pho At the restaurant, Chika ordered a medium-sized bowl of pho tai (rare beef pho) for 65,000 VND. She was pleasantly surprised by the array of condiments provided - fresh ...
This is a version of the pho dac biet (usually prepared with rare beef, brisket and meatballs) that is served at both Hello Aunties. To make it a bit easier on home chefs, Nguyen has simplified the ...
and available with beef options, including wok-fried, rare and intimidating short rib. A quick lunch can become a minor event if you order the brisket pho set, served with a wobbly poached egg and ...