A man was spending a leisurely afternoon with his wife at the Maryland Home and Garden Show when he got tired of waiting in a ...
After Jesus Perez bought his $10 LOTERIA Grande ticket at a San Jose gas station, he scratched it while he sat in his car ...
Quick Pick? Your numbers? There’s no proven strategy for Powerball — it’s (literally) the luck of the draw. $2 ticket could ...
Rosalyn Grimes of Aurora enjoys playing Powerball with family and she likes it even more after winning a $100,000 prize with ...
The first Massachusetts lottery player to claim a $1,000 a week for life prize came forward on Wednesday with a winning ...
A Michigan man cut his night out at the bar short when he won a record-breaking $677,141 jackpot from the Michigan Lottery's ...
The winner was so “stunned” at the site of the number she scanned the ticket several times to confirm, officials said.