Above all, as this series drew closer to its end, fans also found out a ton of exciting information about the past of Tailed ...
the dojutsu further grants the user the ability to control Tailed Beast. While this ability has only been displayed a few times throughout the Naruto series, it still testifies to the ...
It's hard to believe that Suigetsu, a side character, managed to survive a direct attack from a Tailed Beast in Naruto.
This idea also makes sense, given that Naruto himself has a chakra off all nine Tailed Beasts, not just Kurama ... Two Blue Vortex chapter 9, is set to be April 20, 2024.
Jura even talked about a Tailed Beast Chakra that was registered with Naruto and he felt this presence ... Two Blue Vortex chapter 9, is set to be April 20, 2024.