A stretch of river into which treated wastewater has been discharged emits five times more methane than a stretch of river without that wastewater. This is according to research by Ida Peterse and ...
A new report found four dams in the Columbia River Basin are big emitters of methane. Research from the organization Tell The Dam Truth showed the four lower Snake River dams in eastern Washington ...
S188-S203 (16 pages) Dams impact a significant portion of the world’s rivers, and rivers downstream of the reservoirs created by large dams often emit significant amounts of methane (CH₄). River CH₄ ...
So much so that Upton Sinclair mentioned one of the river's tributaries, Bubbly Creek, in his famous novel The Jungle. Bubbly Creek got its name from the methane gas bubbles that would regularly ...
Gabrielle and Leonard focused on Vallåkrabreen, a small valley glacier in central Svalbard, where they measured methane levels in groundwater springs and the melt river draining from the glacier.
Methane gas created via the treatment of what is flushed down the toilet will help reduce the cost of cleaning debris from city streets. The Manteca City Council Tuesday authorized seeking bids for a ...
Methane is one of the main drivers of climate change, responsible for 30 per cent of the warming since preindustrial times, ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Soils around onshore oil and gas wells can absorb methane leaks, converting up to 90% of the gas into less harmful CO 2 through microbial oxidation. This process ...