Learn more Four years after the show's series finale aired on BBC, "Luther" is finally back on the screen in a new film made for Netflix. "Luther: The Fallen Sun" picks up with John Luther (Idris ...
A dark psychological crime drama starring Idris Elba as Luther, a man struggling with his own terrible demons, who might be as dangerous as the depraved murderers he hunts ...
Afflicted by the brutal murder of his wife, DCI Luther has to continue policing in a very different world, fighting for his job and his freedom in two distinctive two-part stories ...
From documentaries to narrative films, Moviefone counts down the 15 best movies and TV shows about Martin Luther King Jr. to ...
December is a very reality-TV-centric month on Hulu ... Over the course of a decade, Idris Elba headlined the British crime series Luther as its title character, DCI John Luther.
Dr King was assassinated three weeks after the dossier was written A secret FBI dossier on civil rights leader Martin Luther King alleges that he had a string of affairs and other "sexual ...