John Brown was a man of action -- a man who would ... publication of David Walker's Appeal and Henry Highland's "Call to Rebellion" speech. He gave land to fugitive slaves. He and his wife agreed ...
Trapped in the armory’s fire engine house (now called John Brown’s Fort), Brown was doomed. He was tried for murder, treason, and inciting slave rebellion just one week after his capture and hanged ...
or incite slaves to rebellion. He referred to the Bible. "[T]o have interfered as I have done," he stated, ". . . in behalf of His despied poor, was not wrong, but right." John Brown was hanged ...
John Brown is born in Torrington, Connecticut. His father, Owen, a strict Calvinist, hated slavery and believed that holding humans in bondage was a sin against God. 1812 The War of 1812 ...
Jefferson County, in the state’s eastern panhandle, is the dramatic setting for John ... “Brown and his accomplices were charged with murder, treason and inciting a slaves’ rebellion ...
Address of John Brown to the Virginia Court at Charles Town ... or to excite or incite slaves to rebellion, or to make insurrection. I have another objection; and that is, it is unjust that ...