A group of about 15 women from the Jewish Federation of San Diego visited civil rights landmarks and shared pictures and video with CBS 8. Walking across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma ...
It also held Jewish holy scriptures and documents. Outside was the temple square – this was a marketplace, where pilgrims could buy sacrificial animals and convert foreign currency into temple ...
Ask North American Muslims who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca since the Saudis took over the travel-booking process for pilgrims coming from the Western world, and chances are they’ve ...
From the leading car stepped Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, come with three of his Cabinet Ministers, members of the diplomatic corps and a group of Jewish leaders to pay tribute to Belsen’s Jewish ...
In spring, prepare to celebrate two holidays on the Jewish calendar. Passover, a beloved harvest festival, and Purim, one of ...