While there are many fascinating creatures in the Star Wars universe, few are aware that the galaxy far, far away is home to ...
in which Editor-in-Chief Jason Ward claims that sources have described to him a new planet that will appear in Star Wars: The Last Jedi that might serve as the home base for the First Order.
Kit Fisto is resurfacing in the Star Wars galaxy. The tentacle-tressed Nautolan Jedi Master became a fan-favorite after ...
That Legends storyline told the tale of the Je'daii Order, a group of Force-sensitives on the planet Tython that preceded the Jedi Order before the formation of the Republic (it was set almost ...
She was one of the Jedi studying on Korriban when the Empire retook the planet and was able to escape ... pilot often put him ...
The latest "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" trailer doesn't reveal ... These troopers may be on Mustafar — the planet where Obi-Wan took down Anakin. It's also the home of Darth Vader's castle in ...