The SLU department also houses the journal Res Philosophica, one of the oldest philosophy journals in the United States. Our faculty members explore the history of philosophy from antiquity to the ...
These ten books offer deep insights into human nature, morals, and life. Reading them will not only improve your ...
MOVING WALL The "moving wall" represents the time period between the last issue available in JSTOR and the most recently published issue of a journal. Moving walls are generally represented in years.
Periods of happiness are empty pages in history,” he wrote in his Introduction to the Philosophy of History, “for they are the periods of harmony, times when the antithesis is missing.” In other words ...
As a Lecturer at CU-Boulder, my teaching emphasis is the history of philosophy, ancient and modern. My research interests include contemporary, 20th century and early modern epistemology, philosophy ...
Plus, music and sound design, reminiscent of vinyl recordings, add a retro feel to The Great History of Western Philosophy, which expands on ideas that Covamonas explored in the 2021 short ...
history of science, philosophy, cultural studies and comparative literature. Students are encouraged to investigate in a scientific manner the normative, symbolic, social, institutional, political and ...
The Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science (CHPS) at the University of Colorado, Boulder seeks to bring together scholars from the sciences and the humanities in order to promote ...
The disciplines of the Department of Philosophy, History, and Art are aesthetics, com­par­at­ive lit­er­at­ure, film and television studies, history, musicology, philosophy and theatre research.
Obtain the skills and knowledge to succeed in advanced professional study or law school as a student in the Department of History, Philosophy, Politics, Global Studies & Legal Studies. Graduates of ...