Described before the United States won its independence, this fuzzy bee was once the most commonly observed bee in the United States. Its powers of pollination have nourished our ecosystems and ...
metallic green sweat bees to fuzzy, black bumble bees. By planting a diverse array of plant species that are native to your area, you will provide nectar and pollen for a number of bee species ...
Age UK Hull & East Yorkshire (HEY), for whom Jean raised an astounding £124,000 while dressed as a fluffy bumble bee, has announced that May 13 – Jean’s birthday – will be Bee Lady Day and ...
With the official return of spring next week, it’s a good time to remind us of the importance of pollinators.  To do so, we are excited to welcome Amy Dolan, an endangered species conservation ...
News of a special day to honour “true icon of Hull” Jean Bishop, The Bee Lady, is causing a buzz. Age UK Hull & East Yorkshire (HEY), for whom Jean raised an astounding £124,000 while dressed as a ...