Recent research by scientists at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT), Texas Tech University, and several other ...
For prehistory fans, the Miocene, with its fantastic mammal life, is an immensely attractive period. From Dryopithecus, a lineage of extinct primates that included forerunners of humans, to the ...
The first members of the human lineage lack many features that distinguish us from other primates. Although it has been a difficult quest, we are closer than ever to knowing the mother of us all.
The Miocene is even named using the Greek words ... the mostly steamy climate gradually cooled and carbon dioxide levels declined from an early high. What a time to be alive!
1) A deficient fossil record. There are few Oligocene sites in Africa that represent the appropriate time period, and although there are several early Miocene sites, many of their catarrhine taxa ...
Early contributors to the collection include John Clark ... Wilson collected specimens from the Eocene Willwood Formation in Wyoming, the Miocene Pawnee Creek Formation in Colorado, and the ...