Stalk rots are one of the most significant set of diseases on corn. These diseases are insidious, and often growers are unaware of their effects until harvest. Low levels of stalk rot occur in nearly ...
Anthracnose leaf blight and stalk rot of corn, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum graminicola, is a disease of worldwide importance. Yield losses can approach 40% and up to 80% lodging has been ...
Corn generally reaches black layer 55 days to ... gray leaf spot, brown spot and other stalk rots are present in soils. Keep an accurate history of your field and any areas with problems to ...
Kansas farmers harvested 2.8 million acres with a yield of 65 bushels per acre and produced 182 million bushels.
Iowa State University plant pathologist Alison Robertson says ear and stalk rots will likely become prevalent in Iowa as the growing season draws to a close. In the past week, she said there have ...
but is differentiated from corn borer injury by the fact that there are no insect entrance holes in the stalk. The stalk rot phase of anthracnose generally first appears as narrow, vertical to oval, ...