Highly ordered chromatin structures also cause replication problems, as they are very compact and wrap around histone proteins, and in turn result in highly ordered structures. All of these can ...
Among the many marvels of life is the cell's ability to divide and thus enable organisms to grow and renew themselves. For ...
Interestingly, H2A.Z does not take its place during replication when the chromatin structure is established. Instead, the chromatin remodeling complex SWR1 catalyzes an ATP-dependent exchange of ...
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. Lis and Gilmour focused on identifying proteins that bound to specific chromatin sites to understand the mechanisms of gene regulation. To do so, ...
Based on these results, the UAB researchers propose that the chromatin filament of the chromosomes ... as well as for DNA ...
The Whitehouse lab is broadly interested in understanding how chromatin functions in the regulation of cellular processes such as DNA replication, gene transcription and epigenetics. We focus on ...
The new technology—Cleavage Under Targeted Accessible Chromatin (CUTAC)—focuses ... of histones to meet the added demands of cell replication and division. To test their hypothesis, the ...
Antonio Bedalov studies chromatin, the material that makes up the chromosomes ... First, he studies how cells regulate the transcription and replication of repetitive DNA sequences. He also studies ...