Both Christian and Jewish people regard Moses’ parting the Red Sea as one of the most impressive miracles of God — or is it?
Recent scientific research suggests that natural phenomena may explain the biblical account of Moses parting the Red Sea.
Egyptologists and religious scholars alike blasted the new Netflix docudrama series that chronicles the story of Moses, ...
These residents were descendants of those who followed Moses out of Egypt, according to the Bible's Book of Exodus. In 2019, a team of archaeologists conducted an excavation in Zanoah, sponsored ...
The Book of Exodus also discusses the Egyptians riding horses and chariots while pursuing Moses and the Israelites However, the team noted that Elijah's ascension to the heavens may also be a ...
Moses is apparently a bit delayed in returning ... turn by the more traditional state to deadly force)? Remember: in the Book ...
CHARLIE: When you're Jewish like me you try to live life by God's Commandments in the Torah the first Five Books of Moses. Every synagogue has its own Torah scrolls. Each one is hand-written in ...